LewRockwell.com – September 24, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012
7 Myths Peddled by Conservatives
Murray Rothbard on the truth about libertarianism.
The War on Incandescent Lightbulbs
Karen De Coster on what happens when you ignore government-elite propaganda.
Why the Fury at the American Raj?
No people wants to be ruled by arrogant foreigners. Article by Eric Margolis.
A Revisionist Take on WWI
Ralph Raico on how it all began.
Behind the Curtain
Charles Goyette on learning and applying the unfortunate truth about stato-America.
Your Money Is Slip-Sliding Away
Bill Sardi on the one way to change that.
Home Defense
If you can’t protect it, you don’t own it, says Tess Pennington.
‘Radical Islam’
It’s a tool of the US empire. Article by Anthony Wile.
To Russia With Love?
Jim Rogers to advise what could become the world’s ag powerhouse.
Remembering Tricky Dick and ’71
Frank Holmes on why all signs point to gold.
How I Lost the Migraines, Fatigue, and Weight
Jason Bussanich on going from sugar-burner to fat-burner.