LewRockwell.com – September 17, 2012

Mondy, September 17, 2012
Twin Demons
Lew Rockwell on war and central banking.
Of Infants and ‘Fetuses’
Butler Shaffer on abortion.
Paying the Price
For ignoring Ron Paul’s foreign policy. Article by Bill Sardi.
The Americans Who Think They’re Free
And who try to make sure you’re not. Article by Eric Peters.
The 2nd Amendment Is About Fighting Tyranny
Not hunting deer, says Michael Scheuer.
Recession 2013 Is on the Way
Here’s what Jim Rogers is doing, says Don Miller.
‘Death to America’?
Paul Craig Roberts on the first great war of the 21st century.
About That ‘Mohammed’ Movie
An interview with Jimmy Israel, a producer involved with it. Article by Robert Wenzel.
From Hyperinflation, to Default, to Collapse
Get prepared for an epic avalanche of fiat currency, says Brandon Smith.
Are Wind Farms Killing Us?
It’s the greatest health scandal of our age, says James Delingpole.
Get Prepped for Cold and Flu Season
Avoid the drugstore with these all-natural DIY remedies, says Lisa Bedford.
I Knew Something Was Terribly Wrong
How one doctor found the path to primal wellness.