LewRockwell.com – September 4, 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Do You Reject the Empire and All Its Works?
The Montpelier Manifesto, from Thomas Naylor and Kirkpatrick Sale.
Were RNC Crimes Also a Mistake?
Could they bring a Ron Paul presidency? Article by Bill Sardi.
The Great Fiscal Cliff of 2012-13
Charles Goyette on 5 disasters, and 2 ways to protect yourself.
Obama Is Ignorant of African History
And the slave trade, says Thomas Sowell.
What Will Ron Paul Say on the Jay Leno Show?
Speculation abounds about his appearance Tuesday.
The Last Recourse of Failed Presidents
The GOP view, from Pat Buchanan.
Hair Raising
Is there finally a cure for baldness?
It’s Breakout, Not BubbleTime
Gold and silver will resume their long upward trend, says Jed Handwerger.
The Art of Self-Science
A man’s guide to conducting your own personal experiment. Article by Erik Kennedy.
Coconut oil destroys the bacteria that cause tooth decay, says Fiona Macrae.
8 Ways To Improve Society
Without the political process. Article by J.G. Vibes.
Can Doctors, Drugs, and Hospitals Make You Sick?
Joseph Mercola on rotten health.