LewRockwell.com – August 28, 2012 Posted on August 28, 2012 by RSS Feed Tuesday, August 28, 2012 The Worsening Storm Doug Casey on whats ahead, and what to do about it. Will Israel Nuke Iran This Year? Mike Rozeff on strutting and destabilizing threats. When You Hear a Politician Think of George Orwell. Article by Ron Paul. Even Crazier Than You Thought Murray Rothbard on Marxism. State and Local Governments Are Evil, Too As the kidnapping of Brandon Raub shows, says Lawrence Hunter. The Prisoner “I am not a number. I am a free man!” Article by John Whitehead. The Principality of Liechtenstein Vermont secessionist Thomas Naylor on a model of self-determination. NSA, Pentagon Using Elementary Schools To indoctrinate future spies and killers. Article by Joe Wolverton. 40 Years of Government Gold Confiscation Reminder dont store yours in a bank, says Tyler Durden. Cheap, Natural, and Good for What Ails You 11 medicinal uses for plain, old baking soda. Article by Joseph Mercola. Why the US Occupation of Afghanistan Is Almost Over It cant trust its paid collaborators. I Felt Like I Was Dying Every Day Then I went primal, lost 110 lbs., and have a new lease on life.