LewRockwell.com – August 7, 2012

Tuesday, August 7, 2012
To Infinity and Beyond!
Does the US empire now extend to Mars? Article by Butler Shaffer.
Channeling Murray Rothbard
Bill Sardi has some questions for Mr. Libertarian.
No More Artificial Borders
The US must conform to the natural map of the Middle East, says Pat Buchanan.
Who Is John Galt?
It’s you, says Brian Wilson.
Advice for Our Children
How to be free. Article by Karen Kwiatkowski.
Common Decency Used To Be Common in Harlem
Thomas Sowell on what changed.
Is There a Batman Shooting Conspiracy and Cover-Up?
With so many unasked questions, will we ever know what really happened?
We’re All Criminals Now
To the US police state.
Is Bigger Better? Or Smaller?
Eric Peters on the correct vehicle size.
Simplify Now
You can’t wait until the SHTF to right-size and declutter.
The US Is a Sponsor of Terrorism
Indeed, it is the worst.
Listen To Your Body
Just not all the time, says Mark Sisson.