LewRockwell.com – June 28, 2012

Thursday, June 28, 2012
Restraining Arizona
Unleashing the president. Article by Andrew Napolitano.
The Ron Paul Crossword Puzzle
Find out how much you really know.
The Power Elite Is Ripping Us Off
Charles Burris names names.
Mitt Comes to Town
Eric Peters gives him the salute.
Must Americans Embrace the Empire?
For “safety”? Article by David Gordon.
‘Fairness’ and Other Weasel Words
Thomas Sowell on a political glossary.
Why Is the Higher Math Forced Down Our Throats?
When barely 1% need it? Article by Stan Brin.
Why Does Hot Water Freeze Faster Than Cold?
If you know, you can cash-in.
The Best Gun Salesman Ever
Demand for firearms and concealed carry surges, while violent private crime deceases, says Bob Adelmann.
Never Call 911
You’re a victim of the state, says Sean Covell.
2 Cheers for the Grammar Fascist
Leading the charge against apostrophe-abuse, government gobbledy-speak, and more Article by Tom Chivers.
The Anti-Fluoride Revolution
Citizen campaigns have freed 3.5 million from the toxic waste in government water supplies, say Paul and Ellen Connett.