LewRockwell.com – June 19, 2012

Tuesday, June 19, 2012
No More Racial Double Standards
What’s “racist” for whites is A-OK for blacks. Article by Walter Williams.
Advent of the Communists
From crazed religion to crazed atheism. Article by Murray Rothbard.
The Revisionist History of Watergate
Russ Baker on the truth about who forced Nixon from office.
Don’t Call Obama a Socialist
He’s a fascist. Article by Thomas Sowell.
Distractions for the Unthinking Masses
Elections, Fed prounouncements, and media nonsense won’t avert the grim economic outcome ahead, says Clive Maund.
The Deliberate Murdering of Wedding Parties
US criminality in Afghanistan.
Are You Brave Enough to Keep Your Eyes Open?
For this panoramic plunge on the world’s tallest roller-coaster.
Move Over, Deep Throat
For the women of the Watergate conspiracy.
What Medical Skills are Most Essential for Survival?
Cynthia Koelker, MD, on preparing yourself.
20 Years of Phony Growth
Bill Bonner on the household “wealth” that was all an illusion.
The Truth About the Chicago ‘Terrorists’
And another secret police scam.
9 Everyday Health Risks
That aren’t worth taking. Article by Joseph Mercola.