LewRockwell.com – June 14, 2012

Thursday, June 14, 2012
Make Profits, Not War
Free trade creates a constituency for peace, says Gary North.
The Hunt Is on for Truth Tellers
Government hates and fears then. Article by Andrew Napolitano.
Ron Paul for President, 2016
Why not? Walter Block on the next campaign.
Is There a Safe Place for the Remnant?
When those of us who believe in “I” need to get away from the “we,” asks Eric Peters.
Deadly Hubris
Paul Craig Roberts on what brings down “we’re #1” governments.
The Bush Crime Family
Charles Burris on the latest schemes of the dynasty.
The Economic Cliff Ahead
Don’t drive off it. Article by Ron Paul.
It’s Ramping Up
The government plan to steal even more of your money. Article by Simon Black.
Want To Live Past 110?
Cláudia Collucci on secrets of the super centenarians.
10 Great Songs Celebrating Fathers
Brett and Kate McKay on dad-themed gems to honor the man.
21 Survival Items To Look for
Every time you go to a yard sale or thrift store. Article by Lisa Bedford.
Get Your ZZZZ’s
Less than 6 hours causes problems for the fit and healthy, too, says Tamara Cohen.