LewRockwell.com – June 1, 2012 Posted on June 1, 2012 by RSS Feed Friday, June 1, 2012 The Bilderberger CovenThe list of who’s attending. Murray Rothbard’s MemoryOr, why I don’t measure up. Article by Gary North. Come Home, Former LibertarianYou know you’re not happy as a statist, says Walter Block. Used by the State, Even in DeathMike Rogers on his father’s military funeral. Do We Face This Immense Evil?Ron Paul on capital controls. The Government Is Hiding the TruthOn the Kennedy assassination, 9/11/01, and more. Article by Russ Baker. How the Fed Does Its Dirty WorkBob Wenzel explains the fascinating and outrageous process. America’s Perpetual WarAnd its man of peace, Ron Paul. Article by Jack Kenny. How Readable Is Your Prose?Test yours and see. Flame Super-Virus Made in the USA?The crippling cyber-weapon has all the hallmarks of the CIA and NSA. Thank Heaven for Dumb Money!Bill Bonner on how the Facebook fixers fouled-up. Home, Sweet-Smelling, Non-Toxic, Home5 Natural, homemade fresheners to clean your air without chemcals. Article by Edward Group.