Announcing the Publication of Operation9/11 by: Ahmed El Fiky

CONTACT: Darryl W. Perry Owner/Managing Editor
Phone: 205-863-0110                                        NEWS RELEASE
Announcing the Publication of Operation9/11 by: Ahmed El Fiky
Free Patriot Press is pleased to announce the publication of Operation9/11.
Operation 9/11, by Ahmed El Fiky, spans from the months leading up to the attacks on September 11, 2001 until the 2003 invasion of Iraq and follows the lives of college students Max & Omar, their professor & his family, the Iraqi family of Sohaib, Somaya, Aeasha & Ammar, as well as those who planned and carried out the attacks on that Tuesday in September 2001.
Operation 9/11, published by Free Patriot Press, will be available May 28, 2012 from, and all major book stores.
This is El Fiky’s first book and the first original content novel published by Free Patriot Press.

Free Patriot Press is an independent alternative media / publishing company, founded by Darryl W. Perry in June 2009, with the mission of “ensuring a FREE PRESS for the FREEDOM MOVEMENT” and to also give new authors an avenue for publishing freedom oriented material.” FPP welcomes any author committed to the Freedom Movement.