LewRockwell.com – May 4, 2012

Friday, May 4, 2012
Speak Truth to Power?
It’s far more important to speak truth to the powerless, says Butler Shaffer.
The Murder of JFK – and His Lover
Peter Janney on why the CIA took out Mary Pinchot Meyer, too.
Forget the Presidency
Ron Paul has won the future, says Brion McClanahan.
The Biggest Covert-Op Ever
The politics of “terror.” Article by Doug Valentine.
The Love Affair May Be Over…
With the automobile, thanks to government oppression. Article by Eric Peters.
Flash Mob Survival Tactics
Ex-Chicago cop Paul Huebl says “shoot, scoot, and stay mute.”
A Decade of Government Murder
For what? Article by Pat Buchanan.
The Vital Few and the Trivial Many
Lisa Bedford applies the 80/20 rule to 5 areas of your survival.
Are All ‘Terror Plots’ Contrived by the FBI?
Here’s another, says Alex Newman.
SuperMoon Alert!
The biggest full moon of 2012 happens this weekend. Note: the Japanese suffered their tsunami during a SuperMoon.
Power Over Others
It’s as addictive as cocaine.
10 Good Things To Eat
Are they primal or not? Mark Sisson gives his verdict.