LewRockwell.com – May 2, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012
The Truth About the Public ‘Schools’
Yuck, says Fred Reed of these correctional facilities.
CIA Killers
And their conspiracy to murder JFK, Mary Pinchot Meyer, and their vision for world peace. Lew talks to Peter Janney, author of Mary’s Mosiac.
Myths About Militarism and the Military
Peddled by Christian conservative warmongers. Article by Laurence Vance.
About Time
Young and old have had it with both political parties, says Gary North.
Attachment Parenting
Is it anti-libertarian? Article by Jessica McMaken.
One of FDR’s Great Evils
Unconditional surrender.
In the Lyin’ Den
Bob Wenzel speaks truth to power at the NY Fed.
The Wal-Mart ‘Mordida’ Monster
Chris Manion on bribery in Mexico.
Dominate. Intimidate. Control.
Jennifer Abel on the US’s metastasizing police state.
Questioning College
Student debt now tops $1 trillion, and interest on the loans is set to double. Article by Adam Blenford.
Ron Paul Wins Louisiana and Massachusetts Caucuses
His movement grows and flourishes. Article by Tom Eddlem.
Want an AR-15 in Your Arsenal?
With so many options available, here’s a useful guide.