LewRockwell.com – Weekend Edition, April 28-29, 2012 Posted on April 28, 2012 by RSS Feed Weekend Edition, April 28-29, 2012 If You Talk Honestly About RaceYou will be called a racist, says Thomas Sowell. We Are Not Doomed to DefeatAlex Jones interviews Lew about people vs. State. Cancer Cells Don’t Have a Lobby in DCBut they might as well have. Gary North on the FDA-Big Pharma-Congressional syndicate. Climbing Out of the ShadowsEric Margolis on the Far Right in France. Sick Cows and Mad Government DiseaseCharles Goyette on the regulatory threat to beef. A Silver Lining to the Terrorizing, Stealing, AssaultingThe TSA is undermining popular faith in the State. Article by Becky Akers. Harry Browne’s Brilliant Set-It-and-Forget-It StrategyAddison Wiggin takes us through Harry’s Permanent Portfolio. One Nifty Little PistolThe new Ruger SR22 for plinking, target-shooting, defense. Back to the Future7 nostalgic tech gadgets retrofitted. Article by Diane Bullock. Fanning a Dollar FireAs debt grows, gold becomes more valuable, says Morris Hubbartt. Do These Bring Back Memories?The 15 best baseball movies. Article by Brett McKay. What Valuable Skills Do You Have?Could you barter them in a survival situation? Article by Tess Pennington.