LewRockwell.com – April 26, 2012 Posted on April 26, 2012 by RSS Feed Thursday, April 26, 2012 Get Out and Leave This Building to the 4-Legged RatsBob Wenzel speaks to the NY Fed, and advises them to do the moral thing and walk out, never to return. Rick Perry Was RightAbout Social Security, says Andrew Napolitano. ‘Paleo’ Nutrition Blogger Will Go to JailIf he does not recant. Gary North on free speech in the USSA. Run by Unethical ManiacsIs Argentina the American future? Or should we be so lucky? Article by Doug Casey. Is Gold Still Cheap?No, but expect it to get a lot more expensive, says Steve Saville. Useless Degrees, Loaded With DebtHalf of college grads are doomed to under-employment or worse, says Bob Adelmann. Will You Stand Up and Reject Totalitarianism?What will it take for Americans to get out of this Orwellian nightmare? Article by Paul Huebl. The Best Seat in a PlaneCan you guess what it is, and why? The False Flag That Started WWIIDoes it tell us something about the impending WWIII? Tax Slaves, Build That PyramidTrillions squandered on ridiculous US military weapons. Does Your Survival Planning Include This?The right footwear is one of the most important tools you’ll ever have, says Fernando Aguirre. 10 Facts About Toxic FluorideDr. Joseph Mercola on strategies to get it out of your government-supplied water.