Top Military, Intelligence Officials Join NIAC in Warning Against Iran War in Full Page Washington Post Ad


Top Military, Intelligence Officials Join NIAC in Warning Against Iran War in Full-Page Washington Post Ad

NIAC No War Ad in Washington PostIn a full page Washington Post ad on Monday, top former military and intelligence officials called on President Obama to stand firm against a war of choice with Iran.  The President will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu today.  In the ad, the officials warn that U.S. servicemen and women deserve that peaceful, diplomatic options be exhausted before being sent into harm’s way.  They caution that not every challenge has a military solution and military action at this stage would be unnecessary and dangerous for both the U.S. and Israel.

The ad, sponsored by the National Iranian American Council, also features quotes from top current and former U.S. military leadership warning against war with Iran and supporting diplomacy.  The ad can be viewed here.

The signatories of the ad are available for media interviews.

– Major General Paul Eaton (USA, Ret.)
– Tom Fingar, fmr. Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Analysis
– Lt. General Robert G. Gard (USA, Ret.)
– General Joseph Hoar (USMC, Ret.)
– Brig. General John H. Johns (USA, Ret.)
– Maj. Gen Rudolph Ostovich III (USA, Ret.)
– Paul Pillar, fmr. National Intelligence Officer for the Near East and South Asia
– Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson (USA, Ret.)

For questions or media inquiries, please contact NIAC’s Policy Director Jamal Abdi: 202-386-6408,

National Iranian American Council | 1411 K Street NW, Suite 250 | Washington, DC 20005