LewRockwell.com – February 10, 2012

Friday, February 10, 2012
Iranian False Flag?
Bill Sardi on the incredible war crime that may be ahead.
How Is Ron Paul Doing?
Much better than you think, says Walter Block.
Will It Soon be a Crime to Smoke in Your Own Car?
It’s only a matter of time, says Eric Peters; Submit and obey, sheeple.
Will Iran Be Attacked?
Paul Craig Roberts on the one thing that can stop the empire.
Illegal Immigrants
We’re all about to be treated like that. Article by Becky Akers.
Are You an ‘Anti-Government Extremist’?
Thanks to the infinite detention law, that may be your label. Article by Gary Barnett.
How To Start a War
Richard Sanders on the American use of pretexts.
Top 10 Trashiest Spring Break Destinations
Here’s a List of the US cities and their purported attractions.
Going Backwards Around Corners
4 steps (and a few words of warning) on how to back-up a trailer like a man. Article by Colin Braun.
24 Signs That We’re Dangerously Close
To a major war in the Middle East, and no one is backing down.
The Secret World of J. Edgar Hoover
And the US police state.
The Dangers of Stomach Acid Drugs
Get off them as soon as possible, and start using natural remedies, says David Brownstein, MD.