LewRockwell.com – February 8, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Bring Down the NWO
Gary North on what cheap, decentralized, free-market education will do.
Secret Police Killing and Cover-Up
Jesse Trentadue talks to Lew Rockwell about the federal torture-murder of his brother, Kenneth, and the Oklahoma City bombing.
Machismo Is Dead
Fred Reed on the truth about Mexico, not that it makes the feminists happy.
A Fair Israel-Palestinian Deal
Or a Mideast nuclear-free zone, would solve the Iranian problem, says Eric Margolis.
Shooting People in the Head From a Great Distance
Is that really heroism? Article by Will Grigg.
The 3 Most Important Books About Public Education
Charles Burris writes to his fellow teachers.
Oh No!
Science supports…the Anarchists. Article by Paul Rosenberg.
Who Wants War With Peaceful Iran?
And who’s the existential threat to whom? Article by Pat Buchanan.
Currency Wars: the Making of the Next Global Crisis
Peter Schiff interviews author James Rickards.
Nazis on Ice?
Russian explorers of underground Antarctic lake make astounding claim.
Gold Cars and Gas Stations
Stewart Thomson paints a picture of bullish beauty.
Eat More Sulfur
5 reasons why we need it, and where to find it. Article by Mark Sisson.