LewRockwell.com – February 2, 2012

Thursday, February 2, 2012
Stop the Sanctions on Iran
And get off the road to another US war of aggression. Article by Mike Rozeff.
They’re Lying to You
Americans save more at almost zero interest as their dollars drop in value. Article by Bill Sardi.
Where Freedom Goes To Die
Brian Wilson on Florida’s treatment of Ron Paul.
Typically Nasty and Idiotic
Murray Rothbard is attacked by a Keynesian crank. Mark Crovelli wipes the floor with him.
Just One Massive Prison Camp
Jeff Berwick on 4 steps to avoid being snared by the totalitarian state.
No Government Will Exit the Euro in 2012
But prepare for 2013, says Jim Rogers.
How To Cure Dyslexia
Sam Blumenfeld on overcoming the damage done in public schools.
Suppressing Conspiracy Theories on the Internet
Is that the power elite’s next scheme? Article by Michael Tennant.
Public School Police Blotter
19 previously unthinkable reasons to arrest a child.
Neither the Cops, Nor the Cage Guards, Nor the Dealers
Nobody wants to end the zombiefied drug trade, says Bill Bonner.
Are You Thinking What I’m Thinking?
The secret of finding friends comes down to “mind reading.”
How To Purge Your Body of Toxic Mercury
And 15 other benefits of broken-cell wall chlorella. Article by Joseph Mercola.