LewRockwell.com – January 31, 2012 Posted on January 31, 2012 by RSS Feed Tuesday, January 31, 2012 Prisoners of the StatePublic-school kids should be dressed in striped uniforms. Article by Karen De Coster. Self-Publish Your Own BookIt’s the new business card, says James Altucher. Reject the Ruling PsychopatholgyMike Rozeff on empire vs. Iranians and Americans. Do Not Consent To Be RuledBen O’Neill on democracy vs. the free market. Treachery and Conspiracy at Plum IslandIt’s even worse than Jesse Ventura discovered, says Ron Holland. The War Lobby’s Achilles HeelIt puts a foreign government first, says Justin Raimondo. Wag the Seal?Another look at Obama’s pirate tale, from Russ Baker. The Survival Insights of a Libertarian GeniusHenry David Thoreau’s 7 choices to live deliberately. Article by Wayne Thomas. If Obama LosesWill he blame it on “racism” and precipitate violence? Article by Walter Williams. ‘It’s Either the Millennium Falcon or a Gateway to Hell’Shipwreck hunters find mysterious object at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. The Hottest Currency in the WorldGold, says Robert Lenzer. Vital OrgansYour kidneys purify 100 qts. of liquid each day, says Margaret Durst, so care for them naturally.