LewRockwell.com – January 5, 2012

Thursday, January 5, 2012
Time To Get Out of Dodge?
Doug Casey on how to know.
Ron Paul Should Be Proud
Of his supporters and himself, says Tom Woods.
Are Americans Oblivious?
To the infinite detention act, and what it means. Article by Becky Akers.
The New Yorker vs. Ron Paul
Walter Block shreds the old mag.
Pro-Lifers Who Attack Ron Paul
Jerri Ward on the “arm of flesh” fallacy.
Study Tactics for a Gentleman Scholar
These valuable strategies aren’t just for students. Article by Brett and Kate McKay.
The Origins of the Oceans
Immanuel Velikovsky explores the riddle of the salt content.
The Tightening Grip
Of the police state around your neck. Article by John Whitehead.
Is $5000 Gold a Myth?
Mark Nestmann on the price impact of deleveraging in 2012.
Decline and Fall
Tom Engelhardt on the meaning of lost US wars.
How To Live Lean
14 straightforward strategies to getting into the best shape of your life. Article by Kathy Smith.