Anonymous BTP Member: Recommendations for the BTP Presidential and Vice Presidential Nominating Convention

The following was posted as a comment on Independent Political Report:

FWIW, my recommendations for the BTP Presidential and Vice Presidential Nominating Convention.

One candidate seeking the Presidential nomination has essentially made this election a referendum on an alliance strategy that he has been promoting for several years.
Another candidate’s “claim to fame” is a youtube video of stumbling through a speech while seeking the GOP nomination for county treasurer in Ohio.
The third candidate, thus far, seems to have solid libertarian positions, however it is unknown what (if any) fund raising ability she has.

There are several solid libertarians and long-time party members who have been nominated and seconded – so far, none have stated they wish to seek the BTP nomination.
Currently, I suggest casting a ballot for Briscoe and NOTA.

Vice President
One candidate for the VP nomination has tried to make the election a referendum on his fantasy government.
The other two candidates are both solid libertarians, one is even a current member of the BTP National Committee.

I suggest casting a ballot for Johnson and Linnabary.