LewRockwell.com – December 14, 2011 Posted on December 14, 2011 by RSS Feed Wednesday, December 14, 2011 Adapt or DieIn the unemployment line, that is, says Gary North. Cars, Greens, and GovernmentEric Peters talks to Lew Rockwell about cars to buy, cars not to buy, and the highway police state. Conspiracy for EmpireAndrew Gavin Marshall on a CFR scheme that worked all too well. Will Your ATM Look Like This When the Bank Run Starts?Mac Slavo on what’s likely to happen to you when it does. The US Becomes Just Another Military DictatorshipScott Lazarowitz on who’s responsible. Striking a Blow Against World GovernmentThe British PM puts Britain first, says Pat Buchanan. The Young SubvertedAnd taught to genuflect before the military. Article by Laurence Vance. Oswald Didn’t Do ItHere’s more visual evidence, says Ralph Cinque. You Have the Right To ResistUnless your assailant wears a government suit. Article by Will Grigg. Is Your Money Safe at Merrill Lynch and Fidelity?Probably, says Bob Wenzel. But Danger Ahead!Richard Russell on what’s going on in Europe and the US, and how to save yourself. Your Awesome Holiday PartyTricks and tips for the male host.