Our Official Campaign Website Has Launched!
The official campaign website for the Darcy Richardson presidential campaign has now launched! Check out Darcy2012.com for all the latest news and updates as our campaign progresses! Great News: Darcy is on the Ballot in the Louisiana and Oklahoma primaries!
Last week, the Darcy Richardson for president campaign officially qualified for a spot on the ballot in Oklahoma and Louisiana.
Darcy was the only Democratic candidate, other than President Obama, to successfully file in BOTH STATES! Along with New Hampshire and Missouri, we have now secured ballot access in four key early primary states. NEXT: We must raise $2,500 THIS WEEK to appear on the Ballot in Texas!
Filing deadlines are rapidly approaching in a number of important states and we are preparing to begin several petition drives. All of this costs money, as you might expect. The most urgent situation is Texas, where a $2,500 filing fee will get us a spot on the ballot. Unfortunately, the fee must be paid this week and we are running on fumes after taking care of Louisiana and Oklahoma last week. I’M NOT KIDDING WHEN I SAY THAT WE NEED YOUR HELP TODAY! Please visit the campaign website at Darcy2012.com and give your most generous contribution to help us continue offering Democrats a REAL choice. You can donate via secure online form with your credit card. And, you have my word that every single dollar we raise will go towards our ballot access drive.