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How one vote could change the world
Richard Winger of Ballot Access News reported recently that a Libertarian Party candidate for partisan office in Indiana won by one vote.
On January 1, 2010, an Alabama bill to open up access to the ballot for independents and third party candidates, lost in committee by one vote. Also, on September 10, 2009, the California State Senate defeated an Instant Runoff Voting bill by one vote.
What if a third party candidate had been on the Alabama committee, or in the California State Senate? One vote could get a candidate elected, who would then be that one vote, which could reform our electoral system, and open the door to more independent and third party candidates. What if it was YOUR one vote? Next time you think your vote doesn’t count, think again. America needs good people to get involved and be active in their government. Democracy can work but it needs more people to get involved.
Free & Equal is a nonpartisan, non-profit public-policy advocacy organization dedicated to election reform and improving ballot access laws in the United States.