Silver Circle Submitted to South by Southwest Film Festival!

For immediate release: 11/16/11
Contact: Megan Duffield –
Nov. 16, 2011 – The most important deadline has come to pass for Silver Circle. It is now in the hands of a panel of judges at South by Southwest (SXSW) Film Festival, which is scheduled for March 9-16, 2012. A more polished work-in-progress was mailed in hopes to premiere at one of the top independent film festivals in the country.
We attended SXSW 2011 as an exhibitor (a 30K+ event) and will be doing the same thing for SXSW 2012 to promote the film and the theatrical screenings happening across the country, regardless if we are accepted into SXSW or not. The crowd at the festival is ripe with a ‘fighting the man’ sort of vibe. If you are in Austin or nearby, I encourage you to visit the festival and show your support for Silver Circle!
We will receive the results of our submission at any point before February 9th, 2012. It feels so far away, but we are confident in the cut of the film we sent and hope that the judges are impressed by our proactive approach to one of the most important issues facing this country today: The Federal Reserve. Perhaps the judges may learn a thing or too? This is what activism is all about!
Questions about screenings and production? Please email
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Megan Duffield
Marketing Manager
617-864-8300 x122