Wrights To Attend South Carolina Libertarian Convention
BURNET, Texas (Nov. 8) – Continuing to fulfill a campaign pledge to visit as many Libertarian state conventions as possible, R. Lee Wrights will be in South Carolina Nov. 12 meeting with Palmetto State libertarians. The convention will be held at the Hampton Inn I-20 and Clemson Rd. in Columbia.
The convention begins at 9 a.m. Business will include the election of a state chair and vice chair, and bylaws and platform amendments. A presidential candidates forum is scheduled for 5 p.m. Organizers expect several other Libertarian presidential contenders to attend.
Wrights, 53, is a libertarian writer and political activist. He is seeking the presidential nomination because he believes the Libertarian message in 2012 must be a loud, clear and unequivocal call to stop all war. To that end he has pledged to give 10 percent of all donations to his campaign to ballot access drives so that the stop all war message can be heard in all 50 states.
Wrights, born in Winston-Salem, N.C., is a lifetime member of the Libertarian Party and co-founder and editor of the free speech online magazine Liberty For All. He is also co-founder and president of the Foundation for a Free Society, an educational organization dedicated to promoting the principles of liberty, personal sovereignty, private property, and free markets in order to create a more free and prosperous society. He lives and works in Texas.
To date, Wrights has attended Libertarian state party conventions in Kentucky, Georgia, Arkansas, North Carolina and Illinois. In addition to South Carolina, he plans to attend conventions in Florida, Pennsylvania, and New York in the next few months. The Libertarian National Convention will be held May 2 to 6, 2012 in Las Vegas.
For more information on the South Carolina Libertarian Party, contact:
Michael Carmany, SCLP chair
Brian Irving, Press Secretary