LewRockwell.com – October 26, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
The Best Tax Is the Lightest
Murray Rothbard on the property seizure-schemes of men like Greenspan, Cain, Forbes, and Perry.
Unfortunate Pronouncements
Tom Woods on Vatican economics.
The Top 10 Top 10 Lists
Of all time. Article by James Altucher.
You’re a Prisoner
Time for a jailbreak, says Scott Lazarowitz.
9 headlines that illustrate the world’s economic, financial, and political mess. Article by Mac Slavo.
The Power Elite and Its Tools
Joe Salerno on naming names.
Back Up the Truck?
Stewart Thomson on wise moves in gold’s “surprise zones.”
Idiot Solons and Pentagon Zombies
Bill Bonner on imperial decline.
How We Built Our Off-the-Grid Survival Cabin
2 middle-aged city-dwellers become weekend homesteaders.
Big Pharma’s ‘Antidepressants’ Don’t Work
But they are extremely dangerous.
Naturally Good Food and Medicine
Margaret Durst on how herbs nourish, cleanse, and balance the body.