Free Patriot Press is Giving Away Seven Free Copies of Duopoly

Free Patriot Press has two opportunities for readers to win a free copy of Duopoly.

The first promotion, in conjunction with, ends on October 31. GoodReads will randomly select the 5 winners from those who enter.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Duopoly by Darryl W Perry


by Darryl W Perry

Giveaway ends October 31, 2011.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

Enter to win

The second promotion is being held on the Facebook fan page. The 50th person to “like” the page will receive a free copy. Additionally, the individual recruiting the most new fans by November 8 will receive a free copy of Duopoly. Become a fan at


Free Patriot Press is an independent alternative media / publishing company, founded by Darryl W. Perry in June 2009, with the mission of “ensuring a FREE PRESS for the FREEDOM MOVEMENT” and to also give new authors an avenue for publishing freedom oriented material.” FPP welcomes any author committed to the Freedom Movement.