LewRockwell.com – September 27, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Trial by Police State
Lew Rockwell on the real US justice system.
Should We Support Palestine or Israel?
How about supporting America, asks Ron Paul.
Love It or Leave It?
The government doesn’t own you, me, or America, says Mike Rozeff.
Molested and Gouged
Wilt Alston on the friendly skies.
Were the Conspiracy Theorists Right?
Does the snarky, little gullwing Aptera coupe get 400 mpg? Article by Eric Peters.
Imagine Freedom
Real and total. Article by David Gordon.
The Gold Correction Will Last Several Months
I plan to buy on the dips, says Jim Rogers, and the same goes for silver.
Ever Heard of the Haqqanis?
Paul Craig Roberts on the latest orchestrated threat.
Hey, Ben: Welcome to LRC
Fed opens vast op to spy on its internet critics.
Conning the Con Men
Nigerian letters to DC.
Did Explosions Bring Down the Twin Towers?
Norwegian scientists say they know what happened (if not to Building 7).
Hope You Never Get This
The symptoms of leaky gut are awful, says Margaret Durst, but fixable naturally.