LewRockwell.com – September 16, 2011

Friday, September 16, 2011

Jesse Jackson Jr. Is Shivering in His Lizard Slippers
The mendacious pol claims to be scared of states-rights “terrorism.” Tom DiLorenzo sets him straight.
There Is No Consumer Debt Crisis
Government and its henchmen are another story, says Gary North.
Missiles, Bombs, Cover-Ups?
Jesse Ventura storms the Pentagon about 09/11.
Stuck Pigs and Pressitutes
Paul Craig Roberts on their squeals.
The Bloody 20th Century
How much blame do progressives deserve? Article by Bill Anderson.
Neocon: ‘Ron Paul Supports Global Psychopaths’
Translation: Ron doesn’t support chickenhawk wars.
NASA Still Depends on Werner von Braun
It should copy the Soviet Union. Article by George Giles.
Debt Slave Default Rate Soars to 15%
Mac Slavo on the massive student loan bubble.
Take the Worst Parts of Other Government Systems
Combine them into one new viral strain, says Jeff Berwick, and you’ve got America.
The 80/20 Rule
Follow it for an easy, gradual transition to healthy, primal living, says Mark Sisson.
10 US Housing Markets
That will collapse over the next year.
No, You Don’t Have to Lose It With Age
Fuel your blood and brain to stay mentally sharp, says Margaret Durst.