Announcing the Publication of “Duopoly: How the Republicrats Control the Electoral Process” by: Darryl W. Perry

Free Patriot Press is pleased to announce the publication of “Duopoly: How the Republicrats Control the Electoral Process.”

Duopoly presents the history of the electoral system in the United States and explores the very real barriers faced by potential independent and “third-party” political candidates. Perry shows that the American system is rigged against voters and their rightful choices in favor of a two-party duopoly controlled by the Republican and Democratic parties, aka the Republicrats. The book has been called a must read for “every Political Science 101 student, every member of Congress, and every state legislator in the country.”

Duopoly is Perry’s fourth book and the seventh to be published by Free Patriot Press.

Perry’s literary achievements include:
Songs of Freedom: Tales From The Revolution: One of four finalists in the Current Events:
Political/Social category of The National “Best Books 2010” Awards and August 2009 Book of the Month by Freedom Book Club.

The Anarcho Teachings of Yeshua: 2010 “Book of the Year” Freedom Book Club and 1st Annual LAVA Awards Charles Angrand (Artwork) Award.

Duopoly, by Darryl W. Perry, published by Free Patriot Press, will be available October 4, 2011 from and all major book stores.


Free Patriot Press is an independent alternative media / publishing company, founded by Darryl W. Perry in June 2009, with the mission of “ensuring a FREE PRESS for the FREEDOM MOVEMENT” and to also give new authors an avenue for publishing freedom oriented material.”FPP welcomes any author committed to the Freedom Movement.

To schedule an interview with Darryl please send an email to or call 202 709 4377