LewRockwell.com – September 13, 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Muslims Under the Mattress?
Eric Margolis on who’s really to blame for 09/11/01.
There Is Far Too Much Higher Education
It’s not even higher. Article by Walter Williams.
Vintage Ron Paul
This rare 1970s video reveals the champion of honest money.
Is America Entirely Nuts?
Mike in Tokyo Rogers visits the US for the first time in 10 years, and OMG.
The Death Spiral of Fiat Money
The banks are all crooked, and 46 of the 50 states are insolvent.
This Time, Let’s Ask the Right Questions
Ron Paul on getting to the bottom of 09/11/01.
Perry Is Right About SS
Romney is wrong, says Pat Buchanan. (Perry is a fake, of course; Ron Paul is the only real reformer, Pat.)
Stupid Politician Monkeys
David Galland on what they’ve done, and what we need to do.
Prepare To Be Assaulted by the Government
Gary Barnett on life in the USSA.
Zombies: Stop Their Blood Feast
It’s the only road to economic renaissance, says Bill Bonner.
The ‘Experts’
It’s time to expel them from family life, says Frank Furedi.
Your Doodles
What they reveal about you.