LewRockwell.com – August 3, 2011

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Reagan Raised Taxes 65%
And the national debt by $1.9 trillion. Article by Gary North.
Questions I’ve Always Wanted To Ask Lew Rockwell
Tom Woods turns the LRC podcast on its head.
Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and the US Terror State
Anthony Gregory on war criminals.
The 10 Commandments of the American Religion
The hypnotized masses walk blindly towards their destruction, says James Altucher.
‘Rogue’ Cops
Will Grigg appreciates them.
Hot Peppers and WMD
It’s a dangerous combo, says Eric Margolis.
From the Mashed-Finger File
Eric Peters on classic DIY don’t do’s.
The US-Al Qaeda Buddy System
Peter Dale Scott on the latest example, Libya.
Will You Be Able To Afford a Drink?
Ron Holland on the coming $50 beers and $100,000 Hondas.
One Smart Spice
Mark Sisson on the health benefits of delicious cinnamon.
Pure Madness
Increasing spending and debt by $2.1 trillion. Article by Bill Bonner.
The Symptom of All Disease?
It’s inflammation, it’s big trouble, and you can outsmart it, says Margaret Durst.