Government Incompetence Saves Money… This Time

U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton called a halt to the perjury trial of Roger Clemens after prosecutors showed jurors evidence that he had ruled out. Prosecutors showed the jury a video showing, Rep. Elijah Cummings (Democrat-MD) referred to Pettitte’s conversation with his wife during the questioning of Clemens. Walton quickly cut off the tape and called attorneys to the bench for a private conversation for several minutes. The video remained frozen on the screen in front of jurors with a transcript of what was being said on the bottom.

Cummings had been quoting from Laura Pettitte’s affidavit to the committee.

“I, Laura Pettitte, do depose and state, in 1999 or 2000, Andy told me he had a conversation with Roger Clemens in which Roger admitted to him using human growth hormones,” the text on the screen read.”

Walton told jurors he was sorry to have wasted their time and spent so much taxpayer money, only to call off the case. Walton scolded prosecutors and said he couldn’t let the former All-Star pitcher face prison if convicted on such “extremely prejudicial” evidence.

This mistrial has saved tax-payers the expense of at least a 3 to 5 week trial, which was expected to have cost up to a million dollars, not to mention the added cost of housing Roger Clemens had the jury found him guilty of lying to Congress.

The real question; why has the federal government been targeting former athletes for perjury in testimony before Congress? If anyone is to be prosecuted for perjury in Congress; it is members of Congress, the Executive branch, lobbyists, federal bureaucrats & members of the Federal Reserve System.

Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.