LewRockwell.com – July 13, 2011

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pure Baloney
Gary North on the debt-ceiling show, and what’s going to happen to the economy.
Myths of World War II
Eric Margolis talks to Lew Rockwell.
You Have a Right To Lie to the Police
It should never be illegal, says Anthony Gregory.
Big Pharma Has a License To Kill
Meanwhile, the feds seek to outlaw dietary supplements. Article by Bill Sardi.
The Next Neocon Massacre
Pakistan, says Justin Raimondo.
The US Is Not Going To Close Down
But how sweet it would be. Article by Jim Rogers.
Forgotten Stars
Thomas Sowell on Stan Musial, Hank Greenberg, and Joe Louis.
Harder Than Anything You’ve Experienced
That’s the future of America, says Mac Slavo.
This Is Not a Recovery
It’s the Great Correction, says Bill Bonner, and it’s just what you’d expect.
Has the US government built a virtual Berlin Wall around the land of the free? Article by Simon Black.
Arm Yourself for the Zombie Apocalypse
How to build the ultimate survival shotgun. Article by Creek Stewart.
7 of My Best Weight-Loss Tips
Margaret Durst on smart ideas for reducing.