Wrights Campaign will produce Libertarian commercials
BURNET, Texas (June 14) – The Lee Wrights for President Campaign announced today a special initiative to produce video commercials for Libertarian candidates and affiliates in 2012.
“We want to help Libertarian candidates and local organizations spread the libertarian message in the 2012 election,” said Thomas Hill, Wrights campaign manager. Production cost for each commercial is about $1,000. Each 30-60 second spot produced will include a 10-second segment where local candidates and affiliates can include their own name and message.
“Our goal is to produce as many commercials as we can, possibly 5-10, and make each one available free of charge to local candidates and affiliates,” said. Each commercial will focus on a single topic but all the spots will emphasize a principled libertarian position, Hill said.
The Wrights campaign has started a special fund raising effort to raise funds specifically for this project. They already have one donor who has made a significant pledge and also offered to match the first ten people who donate $50 to the project before 7 p.m. EST June 16.
Doug Craig, a Georgia Libertarian, will produce the commercials. Hill said that the amount of money raised will determine the number of commercials they can produce.
Donations can be made online via Paypal at To designate your contribution to this project, right in “Libertarian commercials” in either address line.
You can also send a check to:
Lee Wrights for President
3440 Toringdon Way Suite 205
Charlotte NC 28277
Make the check payable to “Lee Wrights for President Committee” and write “Libertarian commercials” in the comment line. If you donate by check, please send an informational email to with “Libertarian commercials” as the subject line and provide your name and donation amount, or use the contact form on the website.
R. Lee Wrights, 53, a libertarian writer and political activist, is seeking the presidential nomination because he believes the Libertarian message in 2012 must be a loud, clear and unequivocal call to stop all war. To that end he has pledged that 10 percent of all donations to his campaign will be spent for ballot access so that the stop all war message can be heard in all 50 states. Wrights is a lifetime member of the Libertarian Party and co-founder and editor of of the free speech online magazine Liberty For All. Born in Winston-Salem, N.C., he now lives and works in Texas.
Brian Irving, Press Secretary