LewRockwell.com – Weekend Edition, June 4-5, 2011

Weekend Edition, June 4-5, 2011
Let’s Dispense With the ‘Hero’ Nonsense
Steve Greenhut on police and fire squads.
Ron Paul or Sheriff Dupnik
Bill Anderson on the choice before our corrupt political culture.
Government Is Stabbing the Private Sector
Marc Faber on the US political outlook, and what it means for investors.
When It Comes to Constitution Worship
Gary Barnett is an atheist.
Another TSA Crime
Ira Katz on Orwellian lingo.
The 2011 Silver Quiz
Can you pass it? Article by Jeff Clark.
Economic Double Dip
Or double tap? Mac Slavo on 6 key economic data points.
Planning To Travel With Firearms?
Here is what you must know.
We’ve Got Great Depression-Style Unemployment
Will we also have permanent job destruction?
The US Did Not Want To Capture bin Laden
The “hunter” who had found him 10 times, was always stopped.
Murder Most Academic
A British PhD student puts “homicide studies” into practice. Article by Theodore Dalrymple.
Homemade Organic Pesticides That Work
Save money and skip the harmful chemicals, says Edward Group.