LewRockwell.com – May 12, 2011

Thursday, May 12, 2011
‘We’re #1’ and Democracy Myths

Yet Caesarism rules America. Article by Paul Craig Roberts.


Ron Holland’s answer to the sovereign debt crisis.

Turning the Tables

Peter Schiff interviews Lew Rockwell on where we’re headed economically and politically.

Finally, an Algorean Utopia

Haiti. Article by Jeff Tucker.

A Gigantic Crazy Silver Spike

Jim Rogers thinks there’s a $25 surprise ahead.

A Symbiosis of Evil

Ron Paul on the Fed and the debt.

Lies Made To Foment Hatred and War

Fr. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy on the bin Laden tale, Part XXII.

Citizenship, Silver, Foreign Accounts

Mark Nestmann on how to stay out of trouble.

The Wealthy Live Without Government

We should too, says Bill Walker.

Tracking You in Space and Time

Cops cull data from social networks, GPS, cell phones and financial transactions. Article by Ryan Gallagher and Rajeev Syal.

The US Government Will Seize Your Retirement Account

Simon Black on how, and what to do about it.

39 Things Young People Should Know Before They Leave School

Skills such as shooting a shotgun, hosting a party, and writing a memorable thank-you letter.