Announcing the Publication of Don’t Be Tread On by Kevin L. Kobe

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Announcing the Publication of Don’t Be Tread On by Kevin L. Kobe

Free Patriot Press is pleased to announce the publication of Don’t Be Tread On: Propaganda, False Paradigms, and Civics by Kevin L. Kobe. Kobe describes Don’t Be Tread On as “a traditionalist analysis of modern misconceptions of U.S. Constitutional philosophy.”

Don’t Be Tread On is a careful examination of modern propaganda and commonly misused philosophies on freedom that attempt to change traditional American Constitutional Values, and does so in a logical manner. In Kevin L. Kobe’s years of experience as an internet and street activist, politician, and organizer, he has come across every argument possible against the vision of the founding fathers and “why those values won’t work today” and, in this book, outlined a careful Common Law inspired response to these arguments.

Don’t Be Tread On is Kobe’s first book and the sixth to be published by Free Patriot Press.

Don’t Be Tread On by Kevin L. Kobe, published by Free Patriot Press will be available May 10, 2011. Don’t Be Tread On will be available from and all major book stores.


Free Patriot Press is an independent alternative media / publishing company, owne by Darryl W. Perry in June 2009, with the mission of “ensuring a FREE PRESS for the FREEDOM MOVEMENT” and to also give new authors an avenue for publishing freedom oriented material.” FPP welcomes any author committed to the Freedom Movement.