LewRockwell.com – April 26, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
The Joy of Ron Paul’s ‘Liberty Defined’
It makes people on both sides of the left-right political debate uncomfortable, says Gary Gibson.
Profligate US
Eric Margolis on the decline of America.
All Hail Smugglers
They’re free-trade heroes. Article by Walter Williams.
How To Protect Your Wireless Network
Trace Mayer on cryptographic protocols.
Looking Backward 123 Years Later
Sam Blumenfeld on public education’s production of politically correct kids who can barely read.
Silver Is Going Parabolic
Lots of people get lots of things wrong about it, says Bob Moriarity, and Jim Rogers is right.
Hit the Road
Eric Peters’s 10 must-do summer drives.
Bolivian Central Planning
Is it our future? Article by Simon Black.
Who’s Your Daddy?
Obama was born in Hawaii, but questions remain.
The Titanic Sank into the Depths of Humankind
What is it that makes the sinking of one ship 99 years ago such a universal story, asks Norman Lebrecht.
A Beginner’s Herb Garden
How to keep it simple with essential plants and containers.