Libertarian Presidential candidate Jim Duensing to participate in Who is John Galt / What is Building 7 night in Las Vegas

Jim Duensing for President

Libertarian Presidential candidate Jim Duensing to participate in Who is John Galt / What is Building 7 night in Las Vegas.

The Las Vegas chapter of We Are Change is honoring the premiere of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged the Movie by attending in a way that would make Ayn Rand proud.

Ayn Rand's most famous quote is A is A. Reality exists.

The Las Vegas chapter of We Are Change would like to remind everyone that reality exists and that A is A. To that end, WACLV members and supporters will be attending the premiere of the movie in their 9/11 Was an Inside Job t-shirts.

A flyer asking Who is John Galt?, What is Building 7?, and Who is Edna Cintron? will be distributed. Advance copies can be obtained here:

Libertarian Presidential candidate Jim Duensing is proud to lend his support to this effort because it is important for thinking people with proper values to understand Who John Galt is, What Building 7 was, and Who Edna Cintron was.

More information about the Las Vegas chapter of We Are Change can be found here: