Libertarian Presidential candidate Jim Duensing calls on the WSJ and NBC to remedy their biased journalism.

Jim Duensing for President

Libertarian Presidential candidate Jim Duensing calls on the WSJ and NBC
to remedy their biased journalism.

The Wall Street Journal teamed up with the National Broadcasting Company
to conduct a poll of likely Republican voters on their choice for the
Republican nominee for President in 2012.

Donald Trump who appears on NBC's hit show 'The Apprentice' tied for
second in the poll with Faux News Commentator Mike Huckabee. Each
received 17%. Mitt Romney received the highest percentage with 21%.

Conspicuously absent from this poll was Ron Paul.

Ron Paul won the last two straw polls at CPAC, where he beat Mitt Romney.
Ron Paul's grassroots organization Campaign for Liberty is larger than any
of the astroturf candidates like Michelle Bachman that were included in
the poll.

Excluding Ron Paul from a poll of the Republican base about their favorite
Presidential candidate is like excluding Coca-Cola from a poll about
America's favorite soft drink.

Had Ron Paul been included in the poll, he would certainly have been in
the top three – and he probably would have won. What's the objective news
value in excluding one of the front runners in the Republican race?

Are NBC and the Wall Street Journal playing favorites? Do they fear that
Ron Paul would take early support from Trump, Huckabee, and Romney? Ron
Paul certainly would have received more votes than Haley Barbour – who was
also included in the poll.

NBC and the Wall Street Journal should be ashamed of their biased
journalism. They should apologize and then conduct a new poll including
Ron Paul. In this way, they might possibly avoid losing any and all of
their remaining credibility with the American people.

In Liberty, with Eternal Vigilance,

Jim Duensing