LewRockwell.com – March 14, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011
A Violent Dollar Sell-Off
Is that what’s ahead, thanks to crazed deficits, fiat money, and the Fed? Article by David Stockman.
Japanese Nuclear Meltdown?
Government to the rescue! Article by Mike (in Tokyo) Rogers.
Save, Invest, Speculate, Trade, or Gamble?
Doug Casey on what to do when you’re in the eye of the economic storm.
The Horrific, Continuing Events in Japan
Mac Slavo on what you need you know.
Never Retire
Not if you want to live, and do some good for your fellow man. Article by Bill Diehl.
Mysterious, Wonderful Pi
From Archimedes to today, the calculations continue.
Grow Your Own
It’s vital to start a survival garden, even a small one, says Perry Peacock.
Ron Paul Hearing on CPI Lies and Inflation Creation
This will be fun, says Tyler Durden.
The Supermoon
Did it cause the horror in Japan?
The Civilized Brits Built Great Roads
Before the Roman imperialists invaded, butchered, and enslaved them.
Counting Calories Doesn’t Work
Look at the source, not the numbers, says Joseph Mercola.