LewRockwell.com – March 9, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
How the Fed Can Be Abolished
How the Fed will be abolished. Article by Gary North.
Beware Fascists, Socialists, Neocons
The LRC Store is open for business, with free shipping.
We Need an Asteroid
And Fred Reed knows right where it should land.
600 Citizens Arrest a Bad Judge
There’s a freedom rebellion in England.
The Battle of Wisconsin
Walter Block on what’s really happening.
Doubt Darwin
That’s a scientist’s job, says David Demming.
The Best Investment of the Decade?
8 reasons why I think it’s silver, says Mac Slavo.
Oil Will Go Up Ballistically
If unrest spreads to Saudi Arabia, says Marc Faber.
The US War on Certain Plants
And the effect on Mexico. Article by Simon Black.
The Dollar Sets
Gold rises. Article by Ralph Benko.
Is Your Emergency Survival Kit Ready?
Creek Stewart on how to pack your bug-out bag.
A Paradigm Shift in Fitness and Health?
Joseph Mercola on fat-blasting, whole-body vibration therapy.