LewRockwell.com – March 7, 2011 Posted on March 7, 2011 by RSS Feed Monday, March 7, 2011 Is Ron Paul Running for President?Listen to his podcast with Lew Rockwell and decide. The Lynching of Charlie SheenOr is it his cannibalization? Article by Anthony Gregory. You Could Become an Amateur HistorianAnd get a promotion, says Gary North. The Trouble With Rick SantelliHe needs Austrian economics to refute insufferable Keynesians, says Mark Crovelli. Lies the Government Tells YouPaul Craig Roberts on jobs. How Will We Fare in a Global Crack-Up Boom?Mark Faber on more counterfeiting, a police state, and a major war, but survival better than some. Should You Make the Chicken Run?Doug Casey on becoming international. Senior Fed Economist: People Are Calling Me NamesSo I am taking down my post where I called Ron Paul a pinhead who makes stupid arguments. Article by Robert Wenzel. The Vicious Mistreatment of Bradley ManningIt violates the Geneva Convention. Article by Glenn Greenwald. Lightbulb LibertySouth Carolina makes the feds’ insane incandescent ban a 10th amendment issue, says Jerry McConnell. The Boss From HellShe’s in Congress, natch. Article by Jonathan Strong. NB: Bad language. Are You Eating Toxic Food Dyes?Joseph Mercola on what to avoid.