LewRockwell.com – Weekend Edition, February 19-20, 2011 Posted on February 19, 2011 by RSS Feed Weekend Edition, February 19-20, 2011 I’m So Glad I Was Fired TwiceGary North on the logic of outsourcing. Mankind’s Bitter EnemyMurray N. Rothbard on the rise of statism. A Middle East Without America?Let’s hope so, says Pat Buchanan. Why Are You a Libertarian?Because you abhor violence, says Harry Browne. The Education ScamShow us the money, says Bill Walker. How To Make Your Home Your CastleBill Rounds on the options for privacy fencing. Whew That Was Close!The powerful X2 Solar Flare bounced off the North Pole, but more are coming, says Mac Slavo. America’s Last Piece of Honest Currency?It’s the cupronickel, says Gary Gibson. Creepy, Dangerous Dust Mites14 tips for getting these allergy-generating pests out of your life. Article by Edward Group. Ancient Brits Were CannibalsLike so many aborigines, say Damian Thompson. 7 Antibiotics for Your Medical StockpileCynthia Koelker explains each type and what it treats best. How To Make a Secret Book SafeIt’s the age-old way to stash your treasures, say Brett and Kate McKay.