LewRockwell.com – February 7, 2011 Posted on February 7, 2011 by RSS Feed Monday, February 7, 2011 Everything Needs To Be AbolishedAnd here’s why, says Tom Woods. Come to the 1st Ron Paul Monetary HearingYou can help bother the Fed, the banksters, and the Republican leadership, says Lew Rockwell. America Is Not a RepublicIt is a gang of lawyers and the big businessmen who hire them, says Gary North. People of Egypt, AriseYou have nothing to lose but your American chains. Article by Fred Reed. Kleptocrats at WorkIn Brunei and the US military. Article by Paul Craig Roberts. For a World That Needs It So BadlyA new book from Tom Woods that has the potential to change everything. Article by Bob Wenzel. You Handed Out Trillions. Where Are the Jobs?Chairman Ron Paul is asking the right questions in his heroic showdown with the Fed, says Tyler Durden. The Collapse of the EmpireRichard Maybury is interviewed by Anthony Wile. The Sleeping Giant AwakensEgypt, the Arab world, all oppressed peoples. Article by Rannie Amiri. Another Economic ‘Martial Law in the Streets’ MomentIt approaches, says Eric Blair. Caucasian Mummy EliminatedShe is too politically incorrect. Shooting on a ShoestringHow to find the best firearms that you can afford.