LewRockwell.com – February 2, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
First Egypt, Then the Fed
Ron Paul on overthrowing tyrants. A podcast with Lew Rockwell.
Your Path to Optimum Health
Don Miller, MD, on nutritional supplements, 2.0.
How Sweet It Is
When the insiders lose control. Article by Gary North.
Why Not Freedom of All Persons
Everywhere, now? Article by Mike Rozeff.
Finally Listening to Murray Rothbard?
Robert Wenzel on the burgeoning anti-fluoridation movement.
Decentralize and Block the Feds
A modest proposal for radical ends, from Tom Mullen.
8 Ways We Dramatically Cut Our Expenses, Again?
No, it’s not the government – it’s one family on a mission. Article by John Frainee.
Preparing for Economic and Societal Trouble
10 things we can learn from Egypt. Article by Mac Slavo.
Expatriation Is True Freedom?
Look at the rights and privileges I have as a former US citizen, says P. T. Freeman.
How To Stand Media Commentary and Not Go Crazy
Mike Rogers on the Wizard of Oz and his 7-year-old son.
The Meddling of Global ‘Thinkers’
Bill Bonner on the alleged top 100.
Fatigue, Headaches, Anxiety, Weight-Gain, Insomnia?
Your adrenal glands may be stressed-out. Here’s how to revitalize them, says Margaret Durst.