LewRockwell.com – February 1, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011
A People’s Uprising Against the Empire
First the Soviet bloc, then the American. Article by Lew Rockwell.
Demolishing Critics and Smearians
Tom Woods nullifies the anti-nullificationists.
Shocking Change
An Arab nation is to make its own decisions. Article by Pat Buchanan.
The Black Education Disaster
Only the black community can fix it, says Walter Williams.
New Government SOP
Step out of line, and you’ll be cut off. Article by Simon Black.
Rich Guys in a Marble Palace
They put poor people out of work. Ron Paul on the Fed.
Rich Man, Poor Man
Richard Russell’s 4 rules for people serious about making money.
22 Manly Ways To Reuse Altoid Tins
Create your survival, first aid, martini, electronics kits, and much more. Article by Brett and Kate McKay.
American Eulogy
Jim Quinn on a century of shattering the American dream.
Those Awful Egyptians
A foreign country is not their chief interest. Article by Gideon Levy.
15 Superfoods To Neutralize Toxins
Maybe even fight off cancer, says Joseph Mercola.