LewRockwell.com – January 25, 2011 Posted on January 25, 2011 by RSS Feed Tuesday, January 25, 2011 John Maynard Keynes, ImmoralistAnd the great man who demolished his deadly pretensions. Article by Lew Rockwell. ‘Baby Doc’ ReturnsEric Margolis on the real history of Haiti, and the latest chapter. The Barbarians Were CivilizedThe Romans were not. Article by Gary North. Submit! Obey!Eric Peters on the tyranny of the Sacred Zone. From Republican PrevaricatorsConstitution-talk is just another trick. Article by Ron Paul. SuperbeerThe battle to become the world’s strongest. Article by James Lauber. The Anti-Terrorist Witch HuntAnd the unfortunate Amerikan future. AppeasementIt is, of course, the proper policy towards Confucian China, says Ambrose Evans-Pritchard. Lost in a 6 Million Acre ForestLessons learned about simple, everyday perparedness. The End Game Has BegunAudio advice from Dr. Doom, Marc Faber. ‘Unscientific’The codeword to dismiss arguments against the gov/ag/pharma food-pyramid baloney. Article by Mike Adams. How To Speed-Up Your MetabolismJoseph Mercola on tips and tricks to burn fat and lose weight.